Vision and mission
By 2025, to become one of the leading enterprises in Vietnam in the field of:
- Townhouses Construction
- Villas Construction
- Factories Construction
- Offices Construction
- Interiors Construction
And some other potential domains such as: community works… to send customers the best products and services. Therefore, we always develop and strive incessantly, together with customers creating designs and products townhouse, quality, individual prestige for each family, each business. Basic principles define the future vision of Nhan Dat Construction Investment Consulting Co., Ltd.
This vision, this slogan is the center of our commitment to leading to innovative services, products and solutions that inspire new living spaces is always a new experience in each idea design.
To continue to develop and grow the company, make Nhan Dat Construction Investment Consulting Co., Ltd become a strong enterprise in production, creative in design, get the quality of works as a measure for the stable and sustainable development of the company. Maintaining and growing the products and services is the strength of the business. Learn and absorb trends new in design, in construction to create potential development steps to serve more customers.
To continue to invest expanse in size into other fields: Architecture design and villa interior, townhouses, apartment, hotel,… Office interior construction design, family, showroom, shop, etc. Building and developing a professional brand, in sync with the whole system, speed up the process of expanse in the business network, improve production efficiency.

The Business Strategy of the enterprise is the set of decisions and activities that toward the stated goal, to meet the chances as well as the challenges from outside. Our company always operates under the motto: “Strategy and identity make a strong brand.” This is also a direct relatedness to the development of the goals for our business.
- The strategy of the company must exploit the basic strengths and take into account the opportunities, challenges of the business environment.
- The strategy is the create original and valuable positions, including activities distinct.
- The strategy is the choice, trade-offs in competition.
- The strategy is the create suitability among all activities of a company.
You can see samples of townhouses on fanpage Nhan Dat construction company .